• Date 26 May 2021
  • Time 3:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. (Riyadh - GMT+3)
  • Language English


The webinar is co-hosted with the ISPI and T20 Italy.


Luiz De Mello

Luiz De Mello

Director, Economic Department, OECD; Lead Co-Chair, T20 Italy TF2 on Climate Change, Sustainable Energy & Environment

John Kirton

John Kirton

Director, G20 Research Group, Canada; Co-chair T20 Italy TF2 on Climate Change, Sustainable Energy & Environment

Yoshikazu Kobayashi

Yoshikazu Kobayashi

Senior Economist, Planning & Administration Unit, The Institute of Energy Economics (IEEJ), Japan

Manal Shehabi

Manal Shehabi

KFAS-OIES Research Fellow, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, UK

Antonio Villafranca

Antonio Villafranca

ISPI Coordinator, T20 Italy; Director of Studies and Co-Head of the Center on Europe & Global Governance, ISPI, Italy

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