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رحب #كابسارك بزيارة من طلبة @IMSIU_edu_sa أعضاء نادي @IMSIU_EJAD ، إذ قدم لهم شرح عن المركز وأهم نشاطاته بصفته أحد أهم مراكز الاستشارات والبحوث في اقتصاديات الطاقة والاستدامة. وتأتي هذه الزيارة جزءًا…..

2 Days Ago

#KAPSARC and @TheSaudiAEE are delighted to announce that the 3rd @IA4EE MENA Conference will take place on December 8-9, 2024, in Riyadh. Submissions for abstracts are open now! Learn more:..

11 Days Ago

#KAPSARC hosted the State Minister and Special Envoy for International Climate Action at the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, HE Jennifer Morgan, for the second time. We discussed the new @KAPSARC_SPP and…..

12 Days Ago

KAPSARC had the pleasure of hosting an inspiring group of students from the نادي إيجاد | IMSIU EJAD club at Imam Muhammad ibn Saud Islamic University, who represented a variety of academic…..

2 Days Ago

Cross-border #electricity trading in #MENA can offer significant cost savings and environmental benefits, reinforced by ongoing interconnection projects. #KAPSARC's latest paper examines the cost and emission impacts of electricity trade among GCC…..

3 Days Ago

In our commitment to transferring knowledge to the younger generation, we hosted a group of students from Mawhiba and Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University (PNU) who are interested in architectural field. During…..

17 Days Ago